Hi Lukas,

Unfortunately I'm not able to reproduce this on any of the devices I have access to, I'm just seeing these erros in the logs and I'm trying to track down the issue. I guess I'll try to find an easy to reproduce scenario and return with a cap file at that time.

Just so that I can delete one possibility from my list, is it possible that some devices reject the certificate I'm using? I'm thinking of this because I ran into an issue with this CA on another server (a payment gateway wouldn't connect over HTTPS, problem solved by changing the cert). 99% of the devices connecting to this endpoint are Android and iOS devices, and given the fragmentation that Android is suffering of this wouldn't suprise me.

Thanks everyone!


July 8, 2013 11:46 AM
Hi Andrei,

I only see a single session of that IP in the cap file.

What we can see from the dump is:
- the client provides both a TLS session ticket and a session ID
- the server acknowledges the session ID
- the server sends a "Change Cipher Spec" message [1]
- the client disconnects

I don't think this is enough information to draw a conclusion. A wild
guess could be that the client gets upset about the Change Cipher Spec
message, but that is really a very wild guess.

We would need to see the session before and after this one, to be able to
put them in context. Any additional informations about the User-Agent would
certainly also help.

Btw, can you clearly reproduce this, or is this a random session failed on
your prodution box?



[1] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security#TLS_Change_Cipher_Spec_Protocol
July 8, 2013 9:40 AM
Hello Andrei,

That would definitely help, in order to pass it via ssldump. Or you can
do it yourself as well. What I'm seeing anyway (-q wasn't the most helpful
option here :-)) is that the client closes first. The sequence looks like
this :

client SYN server
port 58713 -----------------------> :443
PSH: TLSv1 client hello with SNI
PSH: TLSv1 server hello
FIN: client decides to close
FIN: server acknowledges and closes
RST: client had already closed

So in short, the client disagrees with what the server proposed. Either
it's because of the algorithms in use, or because something is missing.
For example, I'm not seeing any certificate presented by the server, so
it looks like session resumption.

Ssldump would tell us what algorithms were negociated in each direction.
You can also try with tshark/wireshark I think.

Best regards,

July 8, 2013 9:16 AM
Hello Willy,

Thank you for your answer! I've attached a dump with two requests from the same ip. First one failed with Connection closed during SSL handshake, the second one failed with Timeout during SSL handshake.

I've translated the .cap file with tcpdump -qns 0 -X -r file.cap > translated.cap in order to make the dump readable and extract the two requests. If the original dump is needed, let me know and I'll attach it a.s.a.p.

July 7, 2013 10:02 PM
Hello Andrei,

It's very hard to suggest anything unfortunately, since most SSL/TLS errors
can be very cryptic. It would be nice if you could take a pcap capture of
one such faulty connection so that we can see the whole handshake and try
to find what the issue is. Many things can be involved, including versions,
algorithms, key sizes, etc...

In order to take this capture, please use "tcpdump -s0 -npi eth0 -w file.cap"
to ensure that packets are not truncated. If you'd prefer not to reveal your
public IP address on the list, then please send me the capture in private.
But I must say that people here on the list tend to read SSL traces faster
than me :-)


July 7, 2013 6:08 PM
Hello everyone!

I've moved off AWS ELB today to HAProxy 1.5dev18. I'm doing SSL termination at the LB and I'm encountering a rather large number of messages such as:
- SSL Handshake failure
- Timeout during SSL handshake
- Connection closed during SSL handshake

The problem is similar to the one I've found in the archives about 2 weeks ago (http://marc.info/?l=haproxy&m=137158875803495&w=2), but unfortunately I'm unable to debug this. I'm trying to clarify if these are errors that are normal and I just didn't see on ELB, or if there's anything to do to better configure HAProxy. As far as I can see in the logs, some hosts are able to connect successfully sometimes, and with errors other times. Hosts that have errors tend to have more errors than successful requests. Also, almost of the devices accessing this service are Android and iOS devices.

I'm using a free StartSSL certificate.

I've posted the relevant haproxy.cfg lines below. Any ideas are extremly welcome!

    option accept-invalid-http-request
    option httplog
    log global
    mode http
    option http-server-close
    option redispatch
    timeout connect 60000ms
    timeout client 60000ms
    timeout server 60000ms
frontend www_secure
    mode http
    bind ssl crt CERTNAME1.pem crt CERTNAME2.pem
    (acl's directing traffic to 2 backends)

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