Whoops my fault while testing.

Indeed, on the backends I connect to 1935 again, I see a connection
coming in but no "clear data". That part is actually my issue and
difficult to trace.

2015-03-29 16:11 GMT+02:00 Baptiste <bed...@gmail.com>:
>> frontend rtmp_https
>>         bind                    xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:443 name
>> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:443 ssl  crt /var/etc/haproxy/mycert.pem
>>         mode                    tcp
>>         log                     global
>>         maxconn                 99999
>>         timeout client          600000
>>         use_backend             rtmpbackend_tcp_ipvANY if
>>         default_backend         rtmpbackend_tcp_ipvANY
>> backend rtmpbackend_tcp_ipvANY
>>         mode                    tcp
>>         balance                 leastconn
>>         timeout connect         30000
>>         timeout server          30000
>>         retries                 3
>>         option                  httpchk GET /
>>         server                  rtmp-01 check-ssl
>> check inter 1000  weight 100 verify none
>>         server                  rtmp-02 check-ssl
>> check inter 1000  weight 100 verify none
> Weren't you supposed to connect on port 1935 where traffic is unciphered?
> Can you confirm wether traffic is ciphered or not on server's port 443
> ?? (you seem to be mixing clear traffic over a connection which expect
> ciphered traffic on the server side).
> Does haproxy says the servers are UP (logs, stats page, etc...)
> Baptiste

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