Hi Matt,

Le 29/03/2015 16:19, Matt . a écrit :
Whoops my fault while testing.

Indeed, on the backends I connect to 1935 again, I see a connection
coming in but no "clear data". That part is actually my issue and
difficult to trace.

Then can you re-provide the "expected" configuration ? Because the one you provided is clearly not going to work.

Making some quick tests here, it works (but it was really quick tests in a very simple configuration).

Steps :
1. Download a red5-server release, untar, and run it.
2. Access to http://localhost:5080/installer/ and install OFLA Demo.
3. Test a RTMP video provided with the demo :
   vlc rtmp://localhost/oflaDemo/Avengers2.mp4
4. Configure haproxy for offloading SSL
     haproxy.cfg content :
       listen rtmps
         mode tcp
         bind :443 ssl crt localhost.pem
         server rtmp localhost:1935

       listen status
         mode http
         bind :4444
         stats enable
         stats uri /
5. Launch haproxy (in foreground for the tests):
   sudo haproxy -f haproxy.cfg
6. Test the RTMPS video :
   vlc rtmps://localhost/oflaDemo/Avengers2.mp4
=> The video is played and we can see that statistics in haproxy are updated when the connection is closed.

At this point, I'd recommend simplifying the configuration during the debug. At least, use only one server for the backends. Also, how do you test your rtmps streams ? with which client ? which RTMP server ? ...

2015-03-29 16:11 GMT+02:00 Baptiste <bed...@gmail.com>:
frontend rtmp_https
         bind                    xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:443 name
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:443 ssl  crt /var/etc/haproxy/mycert.pem
         mode                    tcp
         log                     global
         maxconn                 99999
         timeout client          600000
         use_backend             rtmpbackend_tcp_ipvANY if
         default_backend         rtmpbackend_tcp_ipvANY

backend rtmpbackend_tcp_ipvANY
         mode                    tcp
         balance                 leastconn
         timeout connect         30000
         timeout server          30000
         retries                 3
         option                  httpchk GET /
         server                  rtmp-01 check-ssl
check inter 1000  weight 100 verify none
         server                  rtmp-02 check-ssl
check inter 1000  weight 100 verify none

Weren't you supposed to connect on port 1935 where traffic is unciphered?
Can you confirm wether traffic is ciphered or not on server's port 443
?? (you seem to be mixing clear traffic over a connection which expect
ciphered traffic on the server side).
Does haproxy says the servers are UP (logs, stats page, etc...)


Cyril Bonté

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