Hi RĂ©mi,

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 04:36:49PM +0200, Remi Gacogne wrote:
> >> I expect to be able to send the ssl-dh-param-file patch tomorrow, as it
> >> is mostly written (but not well tested yet), as well as the patch to
> >> move from 1024-bit DH to 2048-bit by default.
> > 
> > Great! Do you think it would make sense to backport the ssl-dh-param-file
> > to 1.5 ? I mean, will some users need this in the short term (or said
> > differently, may we use this as an incentive to be more careful about
> > that ?).
> Here it is. Yes, while I am of course a bit reluctant about the idea of
> adding a new feature in 1.5, I think it makes sense to backport this one
> because it makes it easier to use custom DH parameters, which is the
> best option security-wise.

I agree.

> Note that if we decide to go the safe way by
> not backporting it, it is still possible to work around and do the same
> thing by adding custom DH parameters to each cert file.

Sure but I can already bet that most users who have their DH params in
their cert file will not update them anyway :-/

> > Also for 1.5.13 as I understand it, I should regenerate a new dhparam-1024
> > to get rid of oakley group 2. I'll need some directions on how to do this
> > correctly.
> Yes, of course. I am attaching a patch that replace all the hard-coded
> DH parameters by new ones, removing the 8192-bit one in the process
> because I don't think it will ever be used (it's just too CPU-intensive,
> especially now that ECDHE is widely available). Just replace the content
> of dh1024_p, dh1024_g, dh2048_p, dh2048_g, dh4096_p and dh4096_g by the
> values you get from running those commands on your own host (preferably
> with some entropy available):
> $ openssl dhparam 1024 -C
> $ openssl dhparam 2048 -C
> $ openssl dhparam 4096 -C
> Please don't hesitate to get back to me if needed, I know I have the bad
> habit of skipping crucial steps in my explanations.

Thank you, that was pretty clear and easy. I checked that I was running
with about 2 kb of entropy before the tests and that I was alone on the
machine, so I'm confident that what I did wasn't skewed.

I pushed this into 1.6. I'd rather issue -dev2 with it, wait a little bit
then backport it into 1.5 if we don't get any negative feedback. We might
have to help distro maintainers prepare some arguments to backport this.


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