On 04/04/2016 05:23 μμ, Sachin Shetty wrote:
> Hi,
> I am chasing some weird capacity issues in our setup. 
> Haproxy which also does SSL is forwarding request to various other
> servers upstream. I am seeing a simple 100MB file download from our
> upstream components starts to slow down time to time like hitting as low
> as 1MBPS, usually is it greater than 100MBPS. When this happens, I tried
> downloading the file from the upstream component bypassing haproxy from
> the same box, and that is fast enough – 100MBPS. So it seems like
> haproxy is getting jammed on something. 

Did you use HTTPS on the server as well?

> The only suspicious thing I see is that haproxy will be spinning on 100%
> CPU. So we added nbproc 4 and I still see the same pattern, when the
> speed drops, all haproxy proceses are hitting 80-100%. The request rate
> when the speed drops is about 5K/minute which is only 2X of requests
> when things are normal and download speeds are fine.

what is user and sys level of CPU?

> We have quite a few regex and acls in our config, is there a way to
> profile haproxy and see what could be slowing it down?

You better include the actual config, it will increase the level of
support that you may get.


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