
Przemysław Czerpak wrote:
In Norton Commander the command line is part
of NC code not a SHELL so works with completely different conditions.
In MC if you hit CTRL+O then hit any key then once again CTRL+O to return
to MC you will not be able to execute any new command because these "any
key" activated SHELL and as long as you do not hit ENTER new commands
executing is blocked.

Great! I've just expected to continue typing of command after pressing Ctrl+O. OK, now I know the idea of MC.

In summary it's very simple and clear as long as you know how it works
and also very flexible so it's hard to returned to DOS or Windows and
use Norton Commander or FAR Manager.

Why do you can call it flexible? What are advantages of such MC behavior (in comparison to pressing Ctrl+O and continuing to enter command)?

A few more questions about MC:

- Let's say I want to see .gz file in plain (or hex) format. I do not want F3 to unpack it. How can I do that?

- I want to put current file name into command line. How can I do that? (Ctrl+Enter in Far do the job).

- Find file command shortcut is "M-?". What does it mean?

- Does MC editor has column block marking? In Far such block can be marked using Alt+arrows. Alt+arrows throws me out of edit window and I see OC, OB, OD, or OA in command line. Other unsupported keys also tends to put garbage into command line.

I'll have more question after I'll need to make some job on Linux.


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