Right after you tell me about the bitwise operators in MUMPS!

Actually, though you can't do bit arithmetic in MUMPS, you do have $A()
and $C() so its quite possible to perform ordinary arithmetic on
character values, so something like base64 shouldn't be too hard.

Fileman even provides a basic hex encoding tool, unfortunately misnamed
$$HTML^DILF. It works like this:

>W $$HTML^DILF("This^is^a^delimited^string",1)

(a second argument of -1 performs the inverse operation).

I've used this call a number of times, particularly in input/output

--- Ruben Safir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey - Then we can just lift the code and translate it!
> Ruben

Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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