I want to connect to a VOE implementation through CPRS. After I login using access code/ verify code the application closes without any message. On doing the D ^XTER, following is what I see
In response to the DATE prompt you can enter:
     'S' to specify text to be matched in error or routine name
4 errors logged on 10/24/2005
  4)  <NOLINE>LOOP+6^XQOR1            15:53:12  EHR,EHR     1076  //./nul:1076
  3)  <NOLINE>LOOP+6^XQOR1            15:49:28  EHR,EHR     2060  //./nul:2060
  2)  <NOLINE>LOOP+6^XQOR1            15:48:38  EHR,EHR     1076  //./nul:1076
  1)  <NOLINE>LOOP+6^XQOR1            15:47:24  EHR,EHR      744  //./nul:744
No screened error
     Enter '^' to quit listing, <RETURN> to continue...:
Which error? >  4
Process ID:  1076  (1076)
                                                          OCT 24, 2005 15:53:12
Username:                               Process Name:
UCI/VOL: [EHR,EHR]                      :
$ZA:   0                                $ZB:
Current $IO: //./nul:1076               Current $ZIO: ^0^0
CPU time:                               Page Faults:
Direct I/O:                             Buffered I/O:
 I $D(@(^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"REF")_"20)"))'[0 S Y=^(20) I $L(Y) N X X Y S:$D(X
)'[0 ^TMP("XQORS",$J,XQORS,"X")=X
Last Global Ref: ^%ZOSF("OS")
The LOOP+6^XQOR1 seems doesn't seem to be on the first level. Can somebody help?

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