If WorldVistA splits up, goes away, management changes, people get sick,
whatever, there are always the Google archive (http://google.com) and
the wayback machine (http://archive.org).  Other search engines may also
have their stashed copies of web pages.

Now, if Earth were to get hit by an asteroid or if Yellowstone were to
erupt again, there might be a bit of a problem until we build a data
archival site that is out of this world!  But I suppose VistA
documentation may not be high on our list of priorities were such a
disaster to happen.

-- Bhaskar

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 14:24 -0600, Dan wrote:
> Actually, I'm more concerned to what happens to the content if
> WorldVistA  
> splits up, goes away,  management change, etc..

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