--- Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My understanding of copyright law (limited) was that if one expects
> something to be protected by copyright, then one has to inform
> potential viewers/readers/listeners.  Otherwise they may not know to
> protect your content.  Thus without a (c) attached, then one could
> not
> come back and claim infringement.
> Thus I thought that the default was NO copyright.  You are saying the
> default IS copyright.  Perhaps this is the blind arguing with the
> blind... :-)
> Kevin

There is a version of GPL for documentation (the GPDL). You could
consider using it for the Wiki if you feel it's necessary to license
the content.

Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"It is foolish to answer a question that
you do not understand."
--G. Polya ("How to Solve It")

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