--- Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Integration with a medical manager (PMS) is going to be a difficult
> issue for any EMR, and VistA is no exception.  None of these programs

You explain that this is so because none of these programs have been
designed to be interoperable, which is fair (at least generally --
there might be something out there that IS designed to be
interoperable), but it is still a disturbing statement. This kind of
complacency can only hurt VistA and EMR software generally. No one has
been able to show why interoperability is difficult to achieve in
principle. Instead, there has been a tendency to acknowledge that
existing systems present real difficulties and then move on without
much further comment. This is dangerous because it encourages a
situation where VistA becomes a world of its own, effectively cut off
from initiatives and projects outside the VistA world.

Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Judge a man by his questions not his answers."

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