I am not trying to be complacent.  It is a statement of fact that many
programs (well, I can at least speak for our old PMS and our new PMS)
simply don't have a feature titled: "Helpful output of data so you can
use it with someone else's software".  Thus one has to essentially
hack the software.  Our new PMS did have a way that one could dump
demographics to a csv file.  But there was no way to properly do this
via programming.  I.e. no ActiveX or .dll to call.  We had to use
AutoHotKey to script a series of button pushes and file selections to
get the data out, then script a file transfer to our linux server, and
then parse the data from there.

So unless BOTH programs play nicely, one can't depend on achieving a
good interface.  We know that we can make VistA do whatever we want.
But most PMS's are copyrighted programs that are off limits according
to the digital millenium copyright act.  This is why we really need to
work at integrating with an OpenSource PMS, such as FreeB.

But with all the hassle and heartache we have had with the switch to
our new PMS (which I had no substantial part of picking), I want to
stay as far away from this aspect as possible.  Our business
essentially has fallen appart because of cash flow problems that came
from a flawed transition.


On 6/21/06, Greg Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Integration with a medical manager (PMS) is going to be a difficult
> > issue for any EMR, and VistA is no exception.  None of these programs
> You explain that this is so because none of these programs have been
> designed to be interoperable, which is fair (at least generally --
> there might be something out there that IS designed to be
> interoperable), but it is still a disturbing statement. This kind of
> complacency can only hurt VistA and EMR software generally. No one has
> been able to show why interoperability is difficult to achieve in
> principle. Instead, there has been a tendency to acknowledge that
> existing systems present real difficulties and then move on without
> much further comment. This is dangerous because it encourages a
> situation where VistA becomes a world of its own, effectively cut off
> from initiatives and projects outside the VistA world.
> ===
> Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "Judge a man by his questions not his answers."
> --Voltaire
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