I would echo most of what Kevin said. I'd agree that you don't need to 
know Mumps to work with VistA. I'm using Medical Manager for billing and 
am looking into ways to integrate it into VistA. I've imported 
demographic data into VistA sucessfully on a trial basis, but also only 
one way in batches.

Random points:

1. All PMS integration will require some custom solutions. Whether it's 
worth the effort depends on the your needs. My opinion, as a small 
practice, is that it's worth some inconvience to avoid the six figure 
cost of a "total solution".

2. Newer versions of Medical Manager have HL7 capability, so might be "a 
little" easier to integrate with VistA.

3. VistA has billing capability. It can produce a CMS-1500 (which may be 
all a paper submitter like me needs) and while it has all the data 
necessary for an ANSI 837, even the VA sends their billing through a 
clearinghouse. No one seems to have yet tried billing from VistA outside 
the VA, although I'd like to give it a try.

I wish I could go to the Conference!

Mike Schrom

Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> You do not need to know Mumps to work with VistA.  So yes, come on and
> see what we are all about.  We have a wide variety of people that come
> to the conferences, with difference goals and objectives.
> I will be offering a free class named Programming VistA that will
> include an overview of the Mumps language before moving into more
> detailed examination of programming the database management system
> (Fileman), so it will be either a refresher for those that take the
> full class, or an introduction for those that missed it.  You are
> welcome to attend.
> There is not yet a large intallation base in non-VA sites.  I have
> installed a limited version of it in my office and have been happy
> with it for about a year now.  If/when CMS releases their version, we
> expect that to change quickly.
> Integration with a medical manager (PMS) is going to be a difficult
> issue for any EMR, and VistA is no exception.  None of these programs
> are written to be interoperable, unless they are sold as a package.
> Having said that, I have gotten one-way integration to work with my
> PMS such that demographics are exported to VistA.  It is all I really
> need, as I don't want to enter CPT/ICD9 codes from my VistA.  I let
> the front receptionists do that from a check-out paper as they make
> the patient's return appointment in the PMS.  So I don't really find
> tight integration to be a big need.
> I'd love to talk to you more.  Come on to the conference.
> Kevin T.
> On 6/21/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I just returned from a long trip and upon returning home was pleasantly
>>surprised to learn that the World Vista team is meeting next week for their
>>conference.  But much to my dismay, it looks as if I am too late to attend
>>the 1 day course for the MUMPS language.  I have a few questions regarding
>>this. I am a former Medical Manager dealer and 90% of my old clients do not
>>have an EMR system.  I am not versed in the Mumps language at all, and since
>>I don't have any background in this language  do you still recommend I
>>attend this conference?  Am I going to be totally lost?  Are many of the
>>installers and support teams for vista now servicing private practices?  If
>>so how difficult has this transition be en for the practices?  Most of my
>>old clients, either single physicians or small groups of 2 or 3 doctors,
>>have inquired about EMR but also want the system to be integrated with
>>Medical Manager, is this possible?  Since most of my clients keep their
>>billing in house they would want a total solution for their office, could
>>vista work for them?  Sorry if these questions are redundant, this is my
>>first time writing in this forum, any and all help is much appreciated.
>> Check out AOL.com today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and
>>IM. All on demand. Always Free.
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