Thane Sherrington wrote:
Beat that speed for fixing vulnerabilities, MS.  :)

I really think that Firefox and OpenOffice are OSS' greatest hopes.

I hope that is not the case. As an OSS fan, I would NOT want to be represented by Firefox. Although I am not sure on OpenOffice since I have not used it in a while and it seemed to improve quite a bit.

IE, Opera, and Mozilla (original) never leaked memory up to 90 megs of RAM just because I was sitting on ONE webpage. Nothing fancy either, just my IMP login or maybe I also rarely reboot, and rarely shut down any programs so the "never happened to me because I always close out my firefox every few hours people" need not reply.

Yes, I can go to the same webpage with any other browser, have it sit all day and it will never take that much. It is interesting to note, both Opera and Mozilla had this same bug (I guess Opera has been reading/borrowing code), many months ago. They have since been fixed. Firefox has not. Please, I do not want OSS to be represented by Firefox.


- Carroll Kong

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