The one thing that GS has that nobody else can touch is the "brand." Most customers (lemmings) feel safer dealing with a big name company rather than Joe Blow Computer the sole proprietorship. It gives customers a sense of security in that they have a large company to hold accountable when there are problems.

In addition, GS members are also insured & bonded. How many local techs can say the same?

So that's likely why the price is higher.

warpmedia wrote:
I think you're all missing the point that GS represents the state of the repair business vs. the cost of today's PC's.

They're charging a set fee (and insane one) and getting it for REPEATED bad work on a daily basis. So yes, those of you charging less or feeling you need to give a customer a break are ripping yourselves off.

If they came out and decided it would take several hours to clean a system they would simply say it's more economically sound to re-format & reinstall the system (which it it is). Then they would charge you $90 to back up (& restore?) the data on top of that. No hourly rate, just a comodtized fee for a service. Need apps reinstalled, same deal, a fee per-app.

I'd say were going the direction of car repair where there is a set time & fee allotted to a task and if you can get it done faster, the more profit in your pocket. This should be fine by us all since it free us from multi-hour surgeries & potentially huge charges to the customer, it also justifies charging "market value" per incident.

Chris Reeves wrote:

There is a fundamental difference between doing it in a shop and at their
local. If we do it at a shop, we have tons of techs who can work on 10+ PCs
at once with multiple benches setup.  So cost to us is less, cost to the
customer is less.

If I (or anyone) has to go to them, we are -only- working on that 1 PC at
that time, we have a cost of gas involved, time traveled involved, other PCs not being worked on, etc. so the minimum is really a per hour, it's the only
way to calculate revenue lost vs. revenue made to make it worth it.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thane Sherrington
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 7:51 AM
To: The Hardware List
Subject: RE: [H] Disposable computers

At 09:34 AM 19/07/2005, Wayne Johnson wrote:

This is why I don't like to quote a per hour fee as I'm not a plumber. Many times I'll only charge $50 for cleaning a system & maintaining their data intact & while the other shops are charging several hundred for wiping the machine all it's data & then charging the customer per hour to surf the net to retrieve the necessary drivers. I also like asking people how much is knowledge worth. ;-)

Yes, I charge a flat rate for all our jobs. Sometimes I lose - but most times I'm accurate, and since I can do a bunch of machines simultaneously, it generally works out. (I'm not rich, however, so maybe I'm doing this wrong.) :)


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