See, this is the beautiful thing about capitalism that I tried to
explain to my Canadian girlfriend.  Unfortunately in the world we live
in the vast majority of people are not going to do something simply
because it is the "right" thing to do or is for the good of everyone. 
They need an incentive, and capitalism gives them that incentive.

The bottom line here in America is that if there isn't an economic
reason for it, it won't happen and people won't do it.  With gas at
$1-$2 per gallon, there is no economic incentive for people to buy
more fuel efficient cars or for companies to make cars using
alternative fuels.

However, as you see the gas prices climb you now have an economic
incentive on both ends.  Now, all the major car companies are
scrambling to revamp because whomever comes out with the powerful yet
efficient yet stylish new model will seize the market and make a
killing.  And almost everyone I know has said that fuel economy will
play a major factor in their next car purchase.

Major things like this won't change overnight like the dreamers who
don't live in the real world think they should, but things WILL change
over time.  You just have to give the market the right incentive.

BTW, the same argument can be made for the carbon trading market for
greenhouse gases, but that is another discussion entirely.


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