"Gary VanderMolen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only certainty is that Mother Nature is unpredictable. How much
> money should we throw at this bottomless pit? If you design levees 
> for a Cat 3, next time it will be a Cat 4 hurricane. People should not 
> live below sea level when they are so close to massive bodies of water.

And where is this place of no earthquakes, tornados, floods, etc or some
form of natural disaster?

The cost of being unprepared in such a critical area for our nation, is
many times what it would have cost to be better prepared.

We seem to be so short sited. Pay a dollar later to save a dime now. 

I'm watching the city of Boulder repaint crosswalks. They are only doing
it where it is completely worn off. I see where they paint for 2 feet,
leave 10 inches, and paint again for another three feet. The 10 inch
section in only half worn out.  What is the cost of getting the truck
and crew back there to paint that 10 inches next year, verses painting
it now?

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