From: "Analyst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [H] It's bad, really bad - Katrina

So it's your position that finishing the repairs on the the levees, the pre-positioning of many pumping ships and hospital ships, let alone the organization of a coordinated air lift,
would not have made "any substantial difference in the outcome" ?



In keeping with your thought of "pre-positioning ship", my question would be just where in the hell would you "pre-position" those ships with a wiggling cat 5 hurricane, 250 mile diameter(conservatively), headed somewhere in the direction of NO. But please throw into the mix the fact that the storm could have turned north, at any time, toward the Florida Panhandle.

I have been reading this thread from the beginning and, for one, am tired of hearing the garbage and agenda you are peddling. We have people dying down there(maybe into the tens of thousands after all is said and done). I can hear enough crap and political innuendos on CNN(THE Communist News Network) network. I wonder how much comfort the folks on roofs would take from your statements. I hope someone save this kind of stuff so the survivors can see how some of these people supported them. Thank God there were few of these types around after Pearl Harbor or we would be flying Swastikas and meatballs on our flag poles...............and you think we have troubles now..........but that's probably before your time.

Of course, on the other hand, some of my friends and relatives, died so you can shoot your mouth off. You are doing a good job at that.

If I have offended anyone unnecessarily, I sincerely apologize and will leave the list if required.

Thanks for listening.


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