Am I missing something?  You expected the ships to be sitting just
outside of NO, prior to a Hurricane hitting the area?  What do you think
would happen to the ships?  I would expect they would be large piles of
steel and rubble along with everything else that was in the wake of Katrina.


Analyst said the following on 9/1/2005 9:38 PM:

>I was done with this thread, but since this was sent directly at me...
>On 1 Sep 2005 at 17:40, jeff.lane wrote:
>>In keeping with your thought of "pre-positioning ship"
>It wasn't my "thought". It was part of a plan that FEMA had laid out under the 
>previous administration, part of 'Project Impact', which this administration 
>>my question would be just where in the hell would you "pre-position"
>>those ships with a wiggling cat 5 hurricane, 250 mile
>>diameter(conservatively), headed somewhere in the direction of NO. 
>Well, since the intention of the ships with the massive pumping stations was 
>to pump the water out from behind the levees surrounding New Orleans, if it 
>was hit, then quite 
>obviously they would be pre-positioned right off the coast of New Orleans, eh ?
>>But please throw into the mix the fact that the storm could have turned
>>north, at any time, toward the Florida Panhandle. 
>Then they would not have been needed, would they ?
>>I have been reading this thread from the beginning and, for one, am
>>tired of hearing the garbage and agenda you are peddling.
>Just the facts.
>If you can't handle the truth, don't read my posts.
>>We have people dying down there(maybe into the tens of thousands after
>>all is said and done). I can hear enough crap and political innuendos
>>on CNN(THE Communist News Network) network. 
>And just who is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to watch CNN ?
>>I wonder how much comfort the folks on roofs would take from your
>How much comfort are the Bushies providing, three days late ?
>>I hope someone save this kind of stuff so the survivors can see how
>>some of these people supported them. Thank God there were few of these
>>types around after Pearl Harbor or we would be flying Swastikas and
>>meatballs on our flag poles...............and you think we have
>>troubles now..........but that's probably before your time. 
>Non sequitur ?
>>Of course, on the other hand, some of my friends and relatives, died
>>so you can shoot your mouth off. You are doing a good job at that.

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