Allow me to interject a little intelligence into this line of thought. I've read the Bible and thought about what it states rather than just accept a preacher man's interpretation. Since God is all-powerful, all-seeing, all-knowing and designed us he is fully aware of who/what we are and what any of us will do in any given situation!

God placed the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" (apples you know) in the garden and then made sure that Adam and Eve knew about it. He knew that Satan would go to the garden and tempt Eve. He knew that Satan could charm the chrome off a steel bumper and that Eve would easily succumb. He knew that Eve could talk Adam into anything simply because the "little head" is more powerful than the "big head". Clear so far?

So Eve was first to eat the Apple but Adam got blamed for "original sin" and finally when God kicked them both out of the Garden of Eden he placed 2 flaming swords around the "Tree of Life" (a different tree than the one mentioned above) so nobody could sneak back and eat the fruit to become immortal (not that they didn't live 8 or 9 hundred years @ the time).

But wait, this sounds like a fairy tale and not be the work of an intelligence so far above our own that it could create something as vast and complex as the entire Universe! Seems pretty clear to me no god I can believe in could act like a simpleton the way Genesis portrays him/her/it (since God came from outside this Universe and clearly can't be human why did he tell his prophets that he's male? God doesn't lie does he?).

Finally, I would like to say to all my Christian brothers and sisters that lest you say the Bible was written by his prophets who are fallible men I say that God is smart and powerful enough to straighten it out so we read it the way he intended! Surely an all-powerful God would not allow a corrupted version of "his word" to pollute the minds of all mankind the past several millenia? Read it and see for yourself if you think it represents the works of an ultimate being. To me it's more along the lines of a twelve year olds idea of the supreme being! @:D>

Gary VanderMolen wrote:
Ok, let's for a minute assume that the Creator did build the human body to last forever in perfect health. And let's assume that he prevents it from functioning that way for some reason. That doesn't make him benevolent. In fact, it makes him a really nasty bastard. I'd pass on worshipping that sort of diety.

Read the story of Adam and Eve in the garden.
It's called having free will, and making the wrong choice.
Gary VanderMolen

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