At 03:49 PM 22/12/2005, Gary VanderMolen wrote:
Of course we are supposed to use the (limited) logic we have. Even
ants have logic, but can you explain the theory of relativity to an ant?
Humans may be a little smarter than ants, but our capability to
understand things like higher dimensions is very limited.
But I've never said to an ant "Act this way, and I'll get you into heaven." Plus we were given reason, the ability to discern between good and evil.

And your point is...?

That your argument that one can't compare the relationship between an ant and a human and the supposed relationship between man and god. Saying that ants don't understand what we are doing (which is a conclusion you have no proof of, btw) and therefore we shouldn't expect to have any understanding of god makes no sense, and isn't an argument.


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