Could be going bad.   The last Linksys I lost did the same thing, as did
the D-Link before that..  

Really frustrating.  Intermittent, worked most of the time, had to reset
(power cycle) the DSL modem and router every 2-3 or 3-4 days.  Reboot
PC's, etc.

Drove me nuts for a couple-three weeks.  Called SBC, they did line tests
and claimed all was OK.  Finally sent someone to my house to check wiring
up to the D-mark.  They still claimed all was OK on their end.  

Everything would work fine for a while, then just slow down, or drop off,
or not connect, or stop in the middle of downloads, you name it..

Hate this consumer level stuff sometimes.  No easy way to diagnose the
equipment that I know of.

I finally swapped out the DSL modem as a test figuring it would be
unlikely that 2 of them were bad.  Issues still happened, so I finally
ended up buying a new router for 60 bucks from Office Depot.  

Problem solved.

Lost 2 of these cheap consumer routers in 3 years.

>>I have been having lots of problems with my LAN.
>>COX cable..... New Motorola SB1020 modem... new coax cabling....>>
>>Netgear 314 Router>>>>>>
>>       Belkin WAP
>>        Latitude 233MX acting as a print and FTP server
>>      Dlink 8 port 10/100 switch>>>
>>         Netgear USB Print server
>>         I have a 10/100 bench box plugged in here
>>       SMC 5 port 10/100/1000>>>
>>             PC with onboard Intel GB NIC
>>             PC with onboard Intel GB NIC
>>  Lousy Internet connects, empty bandwidth, dial up page loading speeds.... 
>>it has been going on for weeks. Plus My Gb LAN sucks. It should take 20 
>>seconds to transfer a GB file and most of the time it takes  1 to 3 
>>minutes. I keep resetting things, trying different configs and then every 
>>now and again it pops back and everything is great.... for a few hours, or 
>>until I unplug something who knows what the 9*!!XX is causing the problem. 
>>It is intermittent, it doesn't seem to follow any pattern.

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