As Microsoft's guy, I already told you "We only deliver what you need, but it's up to you because you're the one to choose to do, so it's your own risk"

You are familiar with ir, are you guys :lol

At 05:04 PM 4/5/2006, warpmedia wrote:
LOL, bash away boys, the next popular OS will have the same issues.

Jin-Wei Tioh wrote:
At 08:12 PM 4/4/2006, you wrote:

And don't forget to include the Geniuses from Redmond that gave us the fertile ground of their security-hole ridden OS that made all this possible in the first

Heh... that too :P
I guess the blame breaks down to, what? 80% - 20%?
80% - MS's fault
20% - Popularity of OS
-- JW

Garind P
"oc ur mobo not urself or anybody else"

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