Uh huh, and in a few years well be saying the same about them also.

It's the nature of the beast with programmable systems and programmer/companies more concerned with moving widgets than getting them bug free. Granted MS has become the poster child for this, but that's what happens to the product in the spotlight.

Look at it as acceptable risk vs. profit for them. Lots of companies work this way and Very few ever get burnt enough to be forced to correct the model in favor if doing the right thing. Worse, if they do, someone claims they are stealing money from someone else who offers a product to compensate for the flaws.

Think I'm wrong? Look into how the EU wants to charge MS with anti-competitive practices for including anti-spyware for free.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Thane Sherrington (S) wrote:
At 03:04 PM 05/04/2006, Mesdaq, Ali wrote:
Exactly what we were debating a few weeks ago. Where are those "I can
clean any infection" guys at now?

I'm still not convinced that the only response to any infection is a total reinstall. But I haven't read the article completely yet, so perhaps I'll come around. But if MS is right, then it's time for everyone, and I mean everyone, to abandon ship and switch to Apple or *nix now because if the maker of the product says it's unsafe and unfixable, then we are nuts to be using it.


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