Its slightly different;

Intel made a mistake in their R&D

Dell had years of open market R&D at other people's expense as consumer 
complaints about offshoring support came under fire as early as 2002

Dell had the research they new they result and they made the decision. Then 
afterward they decide it was a mistake :)

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-----Original Message-----
From: "Hayes Elkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 15:14:31
Subject: Re: [H] Dell Laptop Batteries

Kinda like that Intel pentium bug.

>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], The Hardware List 
>To: "The Hardware List" <>
>Subject: Re: [H] Dell Laptop Batteries
>Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 19:08:04 +0000
>Its nice to give them credit for an effort to fix it. Nicer if they hadn't 
>broke it in the first place :)
>Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ben Ruset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 15:01:16
>To:The Hardware List <>
>Subject: Re: [H] Dell Laptop Batteries
>I lump Acer in with the whitebox category.
>Since when has making a product affordable been a bad thing?
>They have used a variety of tactics to lower the price of their gear.
>They have mastered keeping a minimum amount of inventory on hand to
>operate. They have very low overhead compared to a lot of other vendors
>who operate stores, etc.
>They have skimped on support. According to Dell they're addressing that
>problem. It's rare for a company to come out and say "we suck and we're
>trying to fix it" which to me is pretty refreshing.
>Thane Sherrington wrote:
> > At 03:05 PM 17/08/2006, Ben Ruset wrote:
> >> Who makes a quality computer?
> >
> > I'm very happy with Acer.  And the whiteboxes I sell are excellent.
> >
> > Before we start saying "All major brands sell crap today" we have to
> > remember the Dell spearheaded the rush to the lowest possible price* and
> > that's when the quality and service dropped off the cliff.  Dell is the
> > Walmart of the computer world.  Too stupid to teach customers how to buy
> > a good quality computer (or too scared to let them see how bad their's
> > were) Dell went the route of the bottom feeder and pushed price only.
> > The other manufacturers (admittedly, also too lazy to educate customers)
> > tried for awhile to compete on quality over price but failed to teach
> > customers how to understand quality.  Price is a easy thing to compare,
> > and given nothing else, customers bought the cheapest thing they could.
> > Sure they bitched about quality and service, but they consoled
> > themselves by thinking that every company was the same.  If Dell goes,
> > then perhaps Acer, HP and Lenovo will start thinking that a $1500-$2000
> > computer with good quality components and support by English speakers
> > would be better for everyone and the industry will right itself.
> >
> > *While not the first to take this route, they were the most successful.
> >
> > T
> >

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