So the only opinions welcome here are pro-whitebox anti-Dell rants?

You want a crappy Dell story? Look at my blog - - Dell sent me a new laptop to replace the absolute fucking lemon they sent me 9 months ago. But, at least they sent me a new laptop.

joeuser wrote:
So I can now counter with a crappy dell story?

I give; you win. Dell rules!

Ben Ruset wrote:

I needed to buy two Opteron capable servers with PCI slots. I finally found one that had both PCI-X and PCI. It was an Asus.

So when we got it in, I noticed that it only came with a PCI-X riser. I went back and forth with Asus "support" who finally gave up and said that they had no part # for a PCI riser card. We had to communicate through email because I could not, for the life of me, understand him through his Asian accent.

After much trial and error I finally found some guy on the internet who had risers that worked with those servers.

That's my pretty crappy whitebox support story. And the whitebox itself (no processors, drives, or RAM) was $1000+.

joeuser wrote:

I'd have to say white boxes are quality PC's for the most part.
I'm not blindly anti-dell, my eyes are wide open. Not all home brew PC's are quality, I would say for the most part they are. You won't get me to swear on anything or deal in absolutes except to say Dell sucks.

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