My 8700c is the greatest thing since sliced bread (imho). ;)

I rarely sit at my damn pc and it keeps me up to date with multiple serves in a 
flash :). I was really torn between it and the Cingular 8125 but I really 
didn't like the wince design function as well. Too much crap not enough purpose

Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless  

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Ruset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 17:44:53 
Cc:The Hardware List <>
Subject: Re: [H] Dell Laptop Batteries


> The kind of support someone gets with a dell in a corporate agreement is 
> significantly different then what you get as jo blo home user or worst case 
> Dell-bought-at-big-box-store buyer

Not necessarily. It took a lot of bitching, whining, letters to Mike 
Dell, and posts on my blog to get Dell to deal with my laptop problem. 
While the laptop is mine, and not my companies, it's still listed under 
our customer number.

> I've got a small business client who buys nothing but dell and that's cool 
> until Dell ripped them apart verbally on the phone over a laptop with 
> pci-express port instead of pcmcai (which I posted here)

Why they are switching over to Express card when there are not many 
Express card devices out there, I have no idea.

> Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless  

Have you worn out your blackberry's keyboard yet? :)

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