I'm using Vista Ultimate on my server only, does a decent job. FTP runs OK.  
Does it's job well.
My only main complaint is I do have SW on my main box I do not care to loose so 
putting it there for now is not a option. I have not run MS's diagnostic yet 
though. Some of this stuff may work if I do a upgrade but I would prefer a 
clean but then the problems with some of my sw would surface.
FWIW the first release was more of a hog then the final release which seems to 
adjust itself. My server is only a 2400 Barton with 1 gb of ram and a fx5900 
video card and it runs fine. 
Only have Vista Business final so I will have to clean install my server which 
is still RC2. In all their wisdom that is what MS sent me. 

At 12:23 AM 2/25/2007, Zulfiqar, Naushad Poked the stick with:
>I just installed VISTA Ultimate on my computer.
>My computer is a very simple i945G chipset based mobo with Pentium D 805 @ 
>3.66Ghz and 2 GB of RAM.
>Vista runs fairly smooth, and surprisingly Aero Glass is enabled on the 
>integrated graphics card. 
>I must say that VISTA really does feel like XP with a thick layer of makeup 
>on.  However, I can feel the difference in the new TCP/IP stack.  All my 
>torrents are going much faster and also my network copies are going more 
>Flip3D is super lame compared to Expose' but still better than nothing.  
>Instant search is a godsend!! Using spotlight on the mac really made me miss 
>it on the PC side.
>Overall I really do think that VISTA is too much of a hog for what it is, I 
>think OSX is "better" but that's more subjective.
>But as far as MS is concerned, they have done a decent job of a new release.
>All my drivers and such work fine and I have faced no problems, so far, but 
>then again, I really haven't stressed the system too much as such.

Tallyho ! ]:8)
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