Thane Sherrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I see BBLean, Xoblite, and Bluebox at 
> - 
> which one are you using?

BlackBox for Windows.
(September 13th, 2004 - no longer developed)  :(

The others are even lighter on system resources, at least BBLean is.
Haven't tried the others.  

Here's a screen shot of my desktop.

No start button or task bar, icon tray, desktop icons.... 
User built right click menus. As many virtual screens as you want,
currently using 10. In this SS I'm on screen 6 named GIMP. User can name
screens. The yellow left/right arrows on the left side of the bar switch
screens, the two on the right switch apps.  When you switch apps, it
switches screens automatically. Supports dual monitors very well, 10
virtual screens x 2 monitors is 20 screens, if one wanted. Many, many
plugins and add-ons available, but I run mine very lean.

My second monitor just died and I haven't hooked up it's replacement,
which I just picked up today. A 20" Samsung 206BW.

Normally I run 4 virtual screens on 2 monitors for 8 screens.
Files:          File manager and FTP
Net:            email/IRC and browser
Graphic:        Gimp and Photoshop
Editor          HTML editor and Word


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