ASI? Reputation, hahahahaha. Somehting change in the
past 10 years with 
them? They're nothing special from memory, no better
or worse than ZZF 
or NE. When a drive dies it's not the resellers fault
and they simply 
pass the buck onto the OEM vendor. Resllers sell what
sells & makes 
profit, not what is the best!

We're all missing the point that most drives can
handle many G's of 
force when powered off. Failures are more likely due
to hotter 
installations than brand, packaging style or shipping.
As to 1yr vs 3 or 
5, sure you can expect they put "higher end"
components into longer 
warranty drives but then re-read the previous

What's a great brand today, is crap tomorrow, is great
again next 
week.... Not to mention perception of failure rates
tend to be as over 
inflated as MTBF estimates since all most people do is
complain things 
failing not banter about how long they last. I thought
the Google study 
  implied that off-the-shelf drives of all brands tend
to have failures 
about the same rate?

Keep it cool, don't trash the hell out of it, don't
power/thermal cycle 
it too often, run it on a quality PSU attached to a
UPS and hope for the 
best is all you can do.

What happened to our resident data recovery guy Tim?
We could use some 
insights from him right now!

> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Wint`erlight" 
> To: "The Hardware List" <>
> Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 11:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [H] Seagate drive died
>> I think it has more to do with how drives are
shipped from the vendor. 
>> Vendors use to send these out in boxes with big
foam inserts, but now 
>> you are lucky if they secure it in bubble wrap. I
have bought
> What does it take to convince people that there are
many reasons to 
> avoid name brand computers? In just the hard drive
arena, name brand 
> computer manufacturers buy 1 year hard drives. That
is all the warranty 
> most offer and they are not going to pay for 5 year
hard drives. You can 
> bet the quality of a Seagate or WD 1 year drive is
nowhere near the 
> quality of a 5 year drive.
> This thread is about other than name brand computers
I assume. It is 
> about who you purchase your hard drives from. My
supplier, ASI 
>  packages their
merchandise very well. Not 
> only in packaging does the choice of supplier count,
but also in who you 
> Still, I have not gotten to your situation. Don't
you think Seagate and 
> WD ship their best 5 year drives to large
wholesalers like ASI who have 
> to continually defend their own reputation to OEM's
they sell 
> merchandise to? My bets are any 2nds do not go to
ASI. So where do the 
<sorry to just long to be quoted completely>

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