I hope you let Sonicwall know they lost a whole account due to their poor
out-of-country support?? 

>>I had a similar experience with Sonicwall support. I ended up replacing 
>>all of our Sonicwall gear because of their terrible support. My company 
>>is located in the "Penthouse" of our building. Sonicwall support was so 
>>confused by this, and thought I was saying "Tent house."
>>Two years later it's still a running joke at my office when anybody gets 
>>on the phone and has to repeat themselves several times.
>>Joe User wrote:
>>> Yeah and Dell ain;t the only India lusers... I recently got sent to
>>> India on a Sonicwall (Firewall appliance for those that don't know)
>>> issue. I faithfully listened and ended up with a completely bricked
>>> device. I was so pissed. Finally, I got an American and after I
>>> explained my deal and that I did not want to deal with India again -
>>> he told me I can request American support and I will get it. Yay.

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