More info, or ideas so far, from my friend (in his words)

Re: Budget
Here's what I think you're going to want to go with:
$  950   1 SVS SCS-01 7.0 setup
$  799   1 SVS PB12-Plus subwoofer
$  160   1 5 disk DVD player
$1,145   1 Denon 3808ci A/V Receiver
$3,054   SubTotal
$  200   Wires/Cable
$3,254   Total before tax/shipping
So a few notes on the above setup:
  - I chose the 7.0 setup over the 5.0 setup because I think it might be
A good idea to use the extra two speakers when you're going to want to
Play on the computer only. We'll connect them to the "speaker b" outputs
On the Denon. With this scenario, you can hopefully get some decent
Stereo imaging while on the computer.
  - I chose a relatively cheap DVD player because we're in the middle of
A format war for the next generation DVD format. I wouldn't spend much
On anything right now since the ultimate winner can't be determined yet
(think Beta vs. VHS). Add an extra ~$100 and you'll get a 100+ DVD
Player. Those sometime have issue with reliability though (from what I
Hear at least).
  - I chose the Denon 3808ci because it has 4 HDMI inputs which I think
You'll need for inputs from the HD Dish receiver, DVD Player and your
Computer. The 2808ci only has two -- however, it can be had for $814.
You might get something similar from Yamaha that may or may not be less.
I just chose Denon because that's what I have and have had good luck
With it. I'll be honest in that I don't know how well the DVD player in
A computer will do when you want to watch it on your regular TV -- you
Should check with your tech buddies on that one.
  - Going with a "deluxe" surround on the SCS package ($1,225) would be
An alternative that I think might be something to consider. The reason I
Didn't go this way was because of the size of the surrounds.
  - You should get a break on the two SVS products if you buy them
Together. Don't know how much, but something; however, shipping can be
As I mentioned, I think keeping the speakers pretty much where they are
Is going to be just as good as anything else in all likely hood. Your
Imaging isn't going to be all that good, but maybe we can play around a
Little bit when you actually get the stuff and find a happy medium.
-------Original Message-------
From: K Humrich
Date: 11/22/2007 6:47:46 PM
Subject: [H] Satellite PC Card needed
Hello everyone!
I am working on changing my room with all new speakers, tuner/DVD, and a PC
Card for Satellite TV..  Well everything needed to allow me to run the line
in from the Satellite dish, and be able to play TV/Music/DvD on my PC OR on
my TV, and use a PC card so I can store everything on my PC's harddrive,
write things I like to DvD's and so on..
I don't really have more than maybe $2k or so, but am allocating a budget of
at least $4k possibly more, if the need exists.
This is a system for my bedroom.  I am confined to my bed, Rheumatoid
Arthritis, have had hips, shoulders, and elbows all replaced but after fall,
my feet now are not longer able to work well enough to let me walk.  Ankles
are fused and big toes wont let me walk anyway even if ankles bent, plus any
weigh ton the bottom of my feet hurts too much.  But anyway, I would love to
be able to watch TV on my PC monitor which is on a swivel arm out over my
bed, and listen to music and so on..  I have an existing system, nice tc
screen  but it isn't linked to my PC, and its been having some trouble
lately with the TIVO box, and my PC's sount system is having problems with
it's amp, so I figured now is a good time to get something more suited to my
Any suggestions would be appreciated!  A friend is also helping me, although
he knows knowing about the PC Card part, only the speakers.  Hes given me
several links, here is some of the info given recently..
Ok, now to the speakers. You should give me a budget for the speakers.  That
ll give me a better idea of what to look for. That being said, I'd recommend
researching the following:
SVS SBS-01 $225/pair --
SVS SCS-01 $350/pair --
Paradigm Studio 20 $850/pair (?) -- http://www.paradigm
Usher S-520 $400/pair -- http://www.usheraudiousa
You can also look at the offerings from Klipsch -- http://www.klipsch
com/products/lists/bookshelf-systems.aspx, although I've heard their a
little "bright". However, they're much more sensitive (I.e., loud) than most
speakers out there.
The SVS offerings are probably the best value
The Paradigm is probably the best of the bunch. If we went that route, you
could save a little $$ by going with one of their Mini-Monitors for the
The Usher is one I've heard some really good things about.. So it's probably
a compromise between the lower level SVS and the Paradigm. However, it comes
in different finishes that aren't available in the other speakers.
I threw the Klipsch in just because it can play LOUD. You'll get an extra
10db's at the same power level; however, in your room, any of these speakers
are gonna be plenty loud unless you wanna bleed from your ears.
Also, in any of the above scenarios, you should go with an SVS sub. They're
the best you can get right now.
I'm assuming the Denon receiver recommendations were ok with you.
Other "stuff" you'll have to buy includes:
Speaker wire -- Home Depot or Fry's for speaker wire. Generic is just fine.
Interconnects -- ditto. If you have to get fancy, go to

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