For an ISP to block a particular userid is a strange idea to me.

Do a test by using an email account that is configured with all your valid Cox 
credentials first. Setup eudora, outlook, or whatever with an account that has 
your Cox address as the from and reply-to address. Looks like your smtp server 

Section V of the following link may have details pertinent to your trouble.

-Tharin O.

Winterlight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: At 03:48 PM 12/19/2007, you wrote:
>Strange it would do that ONLY when sending mail to customer service 

not strange if Cox is blocking the domains or user name. I don't use 
COX SMTP. I use Godaddy's, and even though it gets blocked when I try 
to send it out of Eudora using Godaddy SMTP or Outlook using COX 
SMTP, I can log into my Godaddy email web interface and send things 
out just fine..... so it isn't Godaddy ... it has to be COX... no??

>I honestly can't imagine this could be the whole story on your 
>problem. It would imply that Cox is blocking outgoing mail to 
>particular userids.
>Are you actually connected to a Cox internet connection and trying 
>to deliver it through the proper Cox smtp server??  Does your ISP 
>require or support SMTP authentication and have you enabled it in Eudora?
>Assuming you aren't making a typo in the 'To:' field of you mail client,

no, I am either pasting in the name or replying to email I received 
from some support or customer service address. This has been going on 
for well over a year.

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