I can understand it being blocked when using Godaddy's SMTP,
since generally speaking, one isn't allowed to use port 25 SMTP
if the server doesn't belong to the network which is providing
your Internet connection. If I'm not mistaken, Godaddy's SMTP
has alternate ports you can substitute for '25'; one of the alternates
is port 80.

Gary VanderMolen [MS-MVP WLM]

not strange if Cox is blocking the domains or user name. I don't use COX SMTP. I use Godaddy's, and even though it gets blocked when I try to send it out of Eudora using Godaddy SMTP or Outlook using COX SMTP, I can log into my Godaddy email web interface and send things out just fine..... so it isn't Godaddy ... it has to be COX... no??

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