At 09:25 AM 04/01/2008, Greg Sevart wrote:
They're all green, no power. They aren't 7200rpm. (WD is rather vague on the
RPM, stating "between 5400 and 7200rpm", leading some to believe that they
may be variable RPM. They aren't--each model within the GP line is
fixed--but it seems that most (all?) of them so far are 5400rpm drives.)
It's great for a hard drive to be power sipping and run quiet and cool (and
in this the GP does excel greatly), but I am absolutely unwilling to
sacrifice performance. They're markedly slower than previous generation
drives (7500AAKS, 5000AAKS, etc). Even the RE version of the drive looks to
provide lackluster performance. So unless WD bothers to release a non-GP
edition of their newer drives (1.0TB and up), I'm done with them.

Well that's too bad. I'm all for power saving (although I'm not convinced the HD is the primary power guzzler in today's computer or home) but I agree that I'm not going to take a major performance hit for it.


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