I do appreciate your bold position. I even acknowledge that you have a greater grasp on this OS business. Perhaps I am not so paranoid, but rather I am very curious about what goes on with my machines. Yes, based on my very limited understanding of the OS I chose to use, except for many years of using its' parent in a commercial space.

I do build my machines to do what I wish for them to do. If I am wrong, so be it. But, when I find stuff on a given machine that I believe I did not install or enable, I ask this List. This is an educational resource for me. Excuse me if I struck a nerve.

Have a new item to question. Just noticed that the subject machine now has a new icon on the control panel - Wireless link. I have taken the machine apart and can not find any wireless gadget anywhere. Can I kill it?

At 17:35 02/03/2008 -0500, you wrote:

If I may be so bold, and please don't take this the wrong way, but you're very paranoid about your systems, to the extent of being a bit ridiculous. Just leave it alone and enjoy your working PC.

Even if you could remove them without damaging something, is it worth the time and effort to net the .0001% performance bump you might see?


DHSinclair wrote:
Yes, JoeUser, I do understand this. The problem is that I do NOT know that they may/or may NOT be causing unnecessary resource calls and such...... :) If I know (?) I do not use something, I'd really like to remove stuff I do not use. I only have 1GB of ram. This old nForce2/4 m/b has to go another 2 years before I can afford to move a big step forward to where most of the List is now. That is why.
Yes, for now, I have seen no negative with these 3 where they are.
I have disabled the service. No change.
I have loaded/run CCleaner v2.04. No change.
If I really have to back all the way up and do an R/R of the OS to clear this, so bit it. This machine has run flawlessly doing nothing my video and games since 2000. I just figured that there might be a way to cull what I "do not care for being there."
If not, I do know the ultimate fix............Trying not to go there ATM.

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