Good shot. Ouch!  but more inline.......
At 12:20 02/05/2008 -0800, you wrote:
LOL, my father is just entering his 60's and is forever asking me the same kind of questions. He's always worried about some event in the firewall log or the potential to have a virus that can't be detected, yet only uses his machine a few hours a month. In other words he frets over the details without understanding the big picture.

ROTFLMAO!!!! From your pedestal, would you care to share your view of the "big picture?" Do you have that 5-figure career yet? My 'big picture' is nobody gets out of this game alive.

Bottom line Duncan is you, like my father, need to start Googling for some of these answers because the questions are so far out. If you both did this I think fewer of these questions would surface because you'd develop solid base knowledge and get a feel for what's what.

Son, I understand you are irritated with your Father. One day you will be there also. I do google my petty little troubles before I come to this List. Yes, I may not be properly using google, my queries may be incorrect, and, I may not have all the lingo down yet. The lingo seems to change yearly. I did not realize that membership in this List now had a requirement of some sort of advanced degree in CS.

In other words if you are a paranoid control freak then you need to READ MORE not ask more questions of the rest of us because it sinks in better when you learn breadth of the material rather than asking pin-point questions in a vacuum.

Fine. I understand this. Thank you for your past shares with me. I do understand that you and I do not share LAN setup standards and/or the proper use of servers....... :) I will get over it........

DHSinclair wrote:
> Ben,
> I suppose it took me 24hr of stewing on what you
replied; rather than
> just saying, "No, I do not know  how you can remove
those items."
> Truly, perhaps I can not remove them. Fine. I was
simply asking if it is
> possible.
> At first (2/3) I gave up to your personal label for
my PC behavior.
> 24hrs later I responded again. If you took it as
nasty, I apologize. I
> did not intend to be nasty.  On our List we do get
to agree to
> disagree.  This may be one of those times.  I may be
paranoid, but with
> the PCs I build with my money, I am an unapologetic
control freak.
> Hope this helps.
> Best,
> Duncan
> At 11:35 02/05/2008 -0500, you wrote:
>> Why, on 2/3 did you send a much nicer message, and
then on 2/4 get
>> nasty with me?
>> DHSinclair wrote:
>>> Ben,
>>> I do appreciate your bold position. I even
acknowledge that you have
>>> a greater grasp on this OS business. Perhaps I am
not so paranoid,
>>> but rather I am very curious about what goes on
with my machines.
>>> Yes, based on my very limited understanding of the
OS I chose to use,
>>> except for many years of using its' parent in a
commercial space.
>>> I do build my machines to do what I wish for them
to do.  If I am
>>> wrong, so be it.  But, when I find stuff on a
given machine that I
>>> believe I did not install or enable, I ask this
List.  This is an
>>> educational resource for me.  Excuse me if I
struck a nerve.
>>> Have a new item to question. Just noticed that the
subject machine
>>> now has a new icon on the control panel - Wireless
link.  I have
>>> taken the machine apart and can not find any
wireless gadget
>>> anywhere.  Can I kill it?
>>> Best,
>>> Duncan

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