Nor is that I what I said, geez I hate text vs. voice!
That was not meant to be 
an attack or insult, just advice that I thought was

My "irritation" with my father have more to do with
once a question is asked & 
answered you don't expect to answer the same thing
again because you assume the 
asker will look deeper into the material & learn given
the initial interest. No 
matter I still answer them & add "RTFM" for breadth.
He's a smart guy but has 
one of those "afraid to break it" type personalities
even though he cobbled 
together hardware to run Commie BBS back in the 80's
when it was cutting edge to 
do so.

No, I won't be "there" one day because I grew up with
technology and am not 
afraid of it nor of having to learn on my own. Of
course other "parts" of me may 
fail... ;)

Yes, we've always answered each others question big or
small and that won't 
change. Just was trying to convey my feeling that
maybe he needs to look into 
other resources like some of the books I've suggested
in the past rather than a 
few direct questions answered to understand the
overall material.

Ok, back to good vibes all around please!

Thane Sherrington wrote:
> At 05:38 PM 05/02/2008, DHSinclair wrote:
>> Son, I understand you are irritated with your
Father.  One day you 
>> will be there also.
>> I do google my petty little troubles before I come
to this List.  Yes, 
>> I may not be properly using google, my queries may
be incorrect, and, 
>> I may not have all the lingo down yet. The lingo
seems to change 
>> yearly.  I did not realize that membership in this
List now had a 
>> requirement of some sort of advanced degree in CS.
> It doesn't.  Feel free to ask whatever questions you
want.  I do.  If 
> people don't want to answer, they don't have to.
> T

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