Idiot consumers are forever tying their PC purchases
to price & the promises of 
slick salesman. Sounds like people are pissed they
were duped into buying 
low-end PC's that can only the most basic version of
Vista (means nothing given 
what's not in VHB) which of course begs the question
were those pc's also so low 
end they could barely run XP?

On the same token these idiots don't even know why
they wanted Vista in the 1st 
place especially since they likely bought low-end
systems consisting of Celeron 
& integrated RAM stealing video.

Ben Ruset wrote:
> This is absolutely the most retarded thing I've ever
> "These common issues ... are whether Vista Home
Basic, in truth, can 
> fairly be called 'Vista' and whether Microsoft's
'Windows Vista Capable' 
> marketing campaign inflated demand market-wide for
'Windows Vista 
> Capable' PCs," she wrote.
> Why the hell would you not call Vista Home Basic
"Vista?" And since when 
> has there been market demand for Vista at all? If
anything, Vista has 
> put XP in more demand.
> I hate lawyers.
> Chris Reeves wrote:
>> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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