I don't agree. It's still the Vista code base. It has more "features" and changes from XP.

A BMW 3 series is still a BMW, despite it not having all of the features of the 7 series.

Vista Basic is designed for cheap/low-end PC's, so it's not like they'd be able to run Aero. Is a cheap home PC going to back up to a network share? It's likely to be the only PC in the house. I'm not sure about DX10, but again, is it going to be a gaming PC with a crap video card? Games? Oh no, no Chess Titans! And Vista Meeting? What's that - the replacement for Netmeeting? Is the target demographic going to care about it?

If any version of Vista will boot and run on the thing, it's "Vista Capable" in my book.

Brian Weeden wrote:
To repeat what was posted before, Basic has:

* No Aero (the cool glassy GUI for Vista)
* No backup to anything but local
* No DirectX10
* Doesn't come with new Vista games and themes
* Windows Vista Meeting not present

In other words, Vista Basic has none of the "features" that make Vista a new
OS and is very limited in how you can use it.  And if your PC was labeled
"Vista Capable" you can't run full Vista on it, only the Basic version.

Brian Weeden
Technical Consultant
Secure World Foundation

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