Just got my new Intel Q6600 system assembled only to
find out that the old nvidia
soundstorm on the a7n8x I replaced was the only
chipset made that did DD via
toslink/spdif. =(

Problem: Supreme FX II (AD1988B) soundcard that comes
with the Asus Rampage does not
do DD via toslink unless it's passing on pre-encoded
DD source. In other words unlike
the Soundstorm, it does not encode it's own output to
DD for the toslink connector
forcing use of the three 3.5 analog outs. Further,
using analog 6-ch direct, the
logitech Z-680 seem to be mixing some audio from front
or rear to the subwoofer which
is a bitch given how boomy the 680's sub is!

Solution: Looking for a either a replacement for the
soundcard that does encode it's
output to toslink unto DD thus not forcing me to go
the analog route *OR* a way to
convert the 6-channel analog back into DD so I can
continue to use my Logitech Z-680
speakers via toslink.

Audio aside, this thing rocks with a ATI 3870x2 and is
quiet & cool besides! Just
wish it had something as good as the old soundstorm,
bugs and all.

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