> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 23:24:09 -0700
> To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
> Subject: Re: [H] 6ch analog to Dolby Digital TOSLINK
> Other than PL-II mode, there is no way to make 2ch
> digital into 5.1 with the
> logitech's "head". It does not acceptably simulate 6ch
> or even 3ch from a digital
> stereo signal.

Ok so it is a matter of preference then, you find the old sound card's matrix 
of stereo into 5.1 better than the logitech's. Gotcha.

> PL-II mode is a joke and does not even remotely give
> me what I had with DD5.1 signal
> coming out of the Soundstorm before: 6 discrete
> channels generated by the sound
> card's DSP+encoder from stereo over 1 cable =
> 2xfront,2xrear,1xLFE,1xcenter. I don't
> see why this escapes you?

Nothing escapes me. If the original sound source is stereo, no decoder will 
ever make it a truly 6 discrete channel signal. You can't make source material 
out of thin air much like expecting DVD upscaled to resemble HDTV resolution. 
What your soundstorm did was make a simulated 5.1 signal from a stereo source, 
fully encode it on the fly as 6 discreet channels and then output it to your 
receiver which treated it as a fully fledged incoming 5.1 signal. The Z-680's 
own built in stereo matrixing is supposedly good, using PL-II, but I fully 
understand how one would prefer one equipment's matrixing to another.

> Nevermind the other issue which we're talking
> simulated 5.1 from 2.0 and glossing
> over the fact I can't get games in 5.1 over digital
> either so this is a moot
> conversation.

That is defintely a red flag. At the very least, the built in Asus sound should 
properly pass a native 5.1 signal to your logitech and output it untouched as 
5.1 - have you tried a 5.1 DVD for troubleshooting? Switching between stereo 
and 5.1 on the fly withing a DVD should trigger the logitech to switch modes 
and induce brief pauses. I'd make sure all processing on the logitech are 
disabled and see if a DVD 5.1 soundtrack can first be played back via your 

> Hayes Elkins wrote:
>> I never mentioned using analog cables, this was
> regarding your single digital sound output on your
> motherboard. My question is what difference does it
> make if you have simulated DD5.1 processed by your
> speaker system vs having a sound card do it earlier in
> the chain? All the functionality you describe (output
> on all speakers, LFE, levels, dsp) can still be
> handled by the Logitech right?
>>> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 14:58:37 -0700
>>> To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
>>> Subject: Re: [H] 6ch analog to Dolby Digital
>>> No concern? Then you are missing a few details
> about
>>> why Artificial DD5.1 (hell even
>>> 2.1) from 2.0 is valuable:
>>> 1. all four speakers get audio vs. 2
>>> 2. can set a low-pass filter on the subwoofer
>>> 3. all speakers levels are directly controllable,
>>> 4. can add a DSP effect if you really want
> simulated
>>> surround sound.
>>> 5. Running three 3.5mm stereo cables across my desk
> is
>>> unacceptable.
>>> The Logitech Z-680 seems to mix some of the
> channels
>>> together vs. discrete 6ch if you
>>> use analog 6ch direct mode and PL-II mode sucks big
>>> time, period. If I did use the 3
>>> patches, I'd still need an SPDIF for passing DVD
> audio
>>> in digital (which also seems
>>> broken on this card).
>>> Bottom line I want to use digital not analog to
> attach
>>> to my speakers which means
>>> DD5.1 like I had been doing for the past 5 years!
> Asus
>>> could have saved me $50 by not
>>> bundling this pile of shit with my mobo and I would
>>> not be complaining now.
>>> Hayes Elkins wrote:
>>>> If the material you are playing is not native
>>> source material, I don't see the concern with it
> being
>>> passed through spdif/toslink in its native 2.0
> format
>>> as long as your receiver or speaker system expands
> it
>>> using PL-II or whatever matrix to get 5.1 out of
> your
>>> speakers (if having a stero signal artifically
>>> expanded to 5.1 is your cup of tea that is). DD
> live
>>> and what your NV sound did was basically the same
>>> thing, just at the sound card (earlier in the
> chain).
>>>>> Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 19:23:12 -0700
>>>>> Solution: Looking for a either a replacement for
>>> the
>>>>> soundcard that does encode it's
>>>>> output to toslink unto DD thus not forcing me to
> go
>>>>> the analog route *OR* a way to
>>>>> convert the 6-channel analog back into DD so I
> can
>>>>> continue to use my Logitech Z-680
>>>>> speakers via toslink.
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