Hi all,

Need to build 2 systems. 

1. Strictly business. Don't need fancy graphics, or sound, so onboard 
video/sound is fine. (I will up the RAM) Dual HDD that are Raid Mirrors are 

2. System 2 can be almost like the one above, but needs a better video card. My 
wife is a Medical Transcriptionist. This will be her work system and her 
"playing with digital pics" system. I want dual hdd, and a raid mirror on this 
as well. I have a Raptor SATA drive that I am going to put in along with 
another Raptor of same size. Speed is important to her as she is paid on 

Both systems will be using 19 inch basic flat screen monitors. Both systems 
will be running XP. System 2 will be XP Pro. (Hospital requirement) and a 
medical version of Word. Speed is important here, but nothing that has to be 
ripping fast.  (also, as the hospital upgrades she needs to be at least close, 
so at least dual core if not quad if I can swing it)

1st system will be running XP home. So XP drivers for both systems will be 

Both systems will be on networks. System 1 wireless and system 2 wired.

I have looked on Tiger and Geeks and haven't quite seen what I need. Budget is 
800 for system 1, though I can go to 1k if needed. About 1000 - 1400 for system 

Any and all help appreciated.

BTW, I have the legit copies of XP so that doesn't have to be part of the 
expense. And, I can put my own systems together, so individual components, if a 
better deal, is not a problem.

Thanks all,



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