My famous quote:

"The only consistency in the computer hardware/software industry is 

True for AV. For a span of 7 years, the king antivirus solution was Symantec's 
AV corporate edition (not to be confused with the dogshit product with a 
"Norton" label). Low and behold, Symantec cooks a turkey called "Endpoint 
Protection v11" and 2 major revisions later it's still an epic failure. McAfee 
had a surge of popularity in the mid 90s in part because it was a simple to use 
product that ran figure 8's around Norton. Somehow it became a bloated, 
unreliable disaster and hasn't really shaken that image after numerous 
acquisitions - but I'll say this...McAfee WILL be king again, if only for a 
year or two. Grand opportunity for all players involved now that Symantec is 
still wiping egg off their red faces.

> Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 18:18:17 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: [H] Outlook & McAfee VirusScan Buffer Overflows
> That's a ridiculous analogy, Gary. There are plenty who consider even
> McAfee suitable to the task it purports to do.
> Would I buy it? No...Do I wish my employer would get something else,
> yes. Do I get to demand what they purchase? No.
> Gary VanderMolen wrote:
>> I wouldn't put McAfee on my PC if they paid me to do so.
>> Would you eat free food that is spoiled?
>> Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Anthony Q. Martin" 
>>> :)
>>> Well...I did think of that...but I get both free...for both home and
>>> work on all of my PCs...
>>> Al wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 9 May 2008 10:32:21 -0700
>>>> "Gary VanderMolen"  wrote:
>>>>> Get rid of McAfee!

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