Side cover off causes same problem as water cooling does, not enough airflow to the other components of the mobo like vreg's & HS on heatpipes for NB/SB result in higher localized temps on those components even though mobo & cpu temp sensors show cooler. The fan on the Nocutra is supposed to be killer when combined whatever the bench HS (thermalright? offline writing this, can't check) according to a Anandtech HSF shoot-out, even better than the Scythe. Good luck finding US suppliers of Noctura when I checked a few months back.

Biggest heat issue in my new system is that the HD3870x2 sits atop a dead air zone despite the TT Armor's 24CM side panel + front 12CM front intake fans. Damn thing idles at 40C & Visiontek dual-fan cooler is (still superior to single fan, venting ref. design) non-vent design, so go figure. Since the 120MM is blowing through a 3x Barracuda 7200.11's in the 3-bay HDD cage, the side 24CM is mounted too high IMHO, and silent RPM levels all combine for lower air flow thus more heat. How high TT mounted the Armor's 24CM side fan is a glaring design flaw and surprisingly dumb vs. where the TT WinGo's dual side 8CM's were. TT fixed the dead zone AFAIK in the (even more expensive) Armor+. Since it's a dead air issue temporarily "standing" a 8CM Vantec Stealth blowing front-to-rear after the HDD cage helped, need a permanent solution. The [EMAIL PROTECTED] CPU is running @45-55C/core using the stock HSF @ low RPM which I'd like to lower 10C+ under load. Will likely install a Noctua NH-12P HSF, move the HDD cage up to make room for another 12CM front intake fan & remove the 8CM Stealth and/or might mod the case to add mount to permanently mount a 12CM where the 8CM is now.

Big issue with new mobo's IMHO is despite a plethora of fan & temp probe headers there's a lack of good, free software to control/monitor since MBM is a dead project. As sweet as the Asus Rampage is, Q-Fan2 & Asus Probe2 software suck. So an otherwise killer 2 or 3 IC package that comprises an extensive monitoring & fan control setup sits useless without proper software. Tried Everest to at least monitor but it it's polling seems to frakk the HDD controller causing all HDD's to suddenly disappear from time to time & no explanation why. Sure wish there was a GOOD software project for Windows like Linux has providing better generic SMB/I2C drivers & controls!

Something else to consider in summer heat that just cost me: power brick, switch, & router temperatures. Lost my Linksys WAP's 12V2A brick to heat suddenly a few weeks back & noticed how hot all these things get w/ no active cooling. Thinking the next project for me is a box w/ a pair of fans forcing air through it, at least for the bricks.

Rambling as usual, sorry! Damn this expensive hobby with no rule book that can easily bankrupt, LOL!

FORC5 wrote:
Running a coolermaster tx2 with cool and quiet enabled. CPU temp is great 
unless I try to play a game. red lines every time. IN the winter was not a 
problem. Running with side cover off ( helps )


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