You lost me at it not being an issue of a one vendor market. If AMD goes bankrupt it will be a one vendor market.

maccrawj wrote:
It's not an issue of a one vendor market. When AMD comes up with something good enough you can be sure the market will swing yet again to AMD's camp.

What makes me laugh are all the complete "power gamer" PC's in EGM that only come in AMD flavors during a Intel market. Well, that and the price of said PC's being < $1000 loaded with features which is flat out impossible to do & still have a "power gamer" PC.

Stan Zaske wrote:
I agree that we are in the era of "good enough" computing and it doesn't matter how superior Core i7 is because the bottle necks are in other parts of the system and that means primarily the hard drive. I'm worried about a market with only one CPU manufacturer and what it would mean about mainstream afford ability. I have not given in to the temptation of Intel and my Athlon 5400+ BE is fast enough even without over clocking. Deneb isn't here until February or March but I too look forward to it.

Greg Sevart wrote:
Oh, I completely agree--I wouldn't buy an AMD right now either. But my
loyalty is thin. AMD's 45nm Deneb generation chips look to be capable of clocking fairly high. I at least allow for the possibility that tomorrow may
be different--though I expect Core i7 to eat its lunch. I'm taking a
wait-and-see approach before deciding on the replacement for my superb
3.6GHz Q6600.

I think that some could make the argument that we are now largely in an era
of "good enough" computing, too.

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