Whatever, it's too little to late from AMD, I looked to build an AMD in March & quickly decided Intel was a better bet, still is.

It's an Intel market right now both for CPU & chipsets.

Greg Sevart wrote:
Not to mention that the TLB issue was stupidly overblown by the so-called
enthusiast community. "omg I can't o/c to 47GHz!! MUST BE TLB!!!"

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hardware-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of James Boswell
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 8:19 AM
To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
Subject: Re: [H] Upgrade Time

On 13 Oct 2008, at 13:09, Steve Tomporowski wrote:

I started reading some of the reviews and when there's some problem
that comes and goes randomly, I think not....;-)
the L3 cache errata isn't an issue now, the 9x50 badged parts no
longer have that problem.


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