My main work machine is still at 20 gigs but I've never experienced any benefit from that advice. When my data gets lost its always been because of the drive going bad so I make multiple copies of my irreplaceable info across different drives and PC's and its worked very well over the years. My last drive back in 06 that went bad was only 4 months old and it hasn't happened since. One of my boxes actually has an ancient 8 gig drive D that I use for the XP swap file if it makes any difference <g>. In the near future when Solid State drives get faster and cheaper I could see having a super fast read/write 32 or 64 gig boot drive and a very large mechanical for media storage. Like I said partitioning hasn't made any difference I can tell.

DHSinclair wrote:
OK, what was your last choice for an XP partition?
Is it 20GB or greater?

At 18:11 10/30/2008 -0500, you wrote:
When I first started partitioning my drives with separate WinXP and data sections I started with 15 gigs and then 20 when that didn't seem large enough. I did however run into a program that wouldn't work because it complained that there wasn't enough space on drive C. My latest build is a game machine with Vista upgrade and I just made it all one partition to save time.

DHSinclair wrote:
What is a reasonable partition size for WinXP?
I ask this because I have watched both W2K and WinXP getting close to outgrowing the 4GB partitions they live on (here) ATM.

Yes, there may be much junk that I have not yet found/killed on either that might mitigate this question. I do keep all %temp%, temp, and tmp directories at 'empty' as best I can. I do use eraser to clear unused space also. Still, I find the OS (and my stupidity) is expanding. I did expect this; just not this fast.
Thank you,

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