Get it. So..........What it is number?
>15GB, but somewhat <20GB?
Looking for a START build number on a hard drive that
is larger than 20GB.
Thank you,

At 21:07 10/30/2008 -0400, you wrote:
Ditto that. One partition for me.


On Oct 30, 2008, at 7:33 PM, FORC5 wrote:

I do the same thing, I no longer do OS and data partitions either.
For us this is not a big deal but I have seen a few thru here setup
like that with C FULL and D empty. PPL do not know to change the
install routines and I am not sure if this can be tweaked in the
registry or not.

At 04:11 PM 10/30/2008, Stan Zaske Poked the stick with:
When I first started partitioning my drives with separate WinXP and
data sections I started with 15 gigs and then 20 when that didn't
seem large enough. I did however run into a program that wouldn't
work because it complained that there wasn't enough space on drive
C. My latest build is a game machine with Vista upgrade and I just
made it all one partition to save time.

DHSinclair wrote:
What is a reasonable partition size for WinXP?
I ask this because I have watched both W2K and WinXP getting close
to outgrowing the 4GB partitions they live on (here) ATM.

Yes, there may be much junk that I have not yet found/killed on
either that might mitigate this question.
I do keep all %temp%, temp, and tmp directories at 'empty' as best
I can.  I do use eraser to clear unused space also.  Still, I find
the OS (and my stupidity) is expanding.  I did expect this; just
not this fast.
Thank you,

Tallyho ! ]:8)
Taglines below !
My other computer is a Cadillac.

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