I'm not sure, but I guess you could do all of that with group policy editor, and manually copying the policy between computers? A pain-- definitely...

my main problem with domain servers at home would be backups. That is, if you're primary domain controller goes down, does the rest of your network suffer (logon errors, missing applications, outdated profiles)? I don't know how many homes are going to have synced PDCs and BDCs, deal with roaming profile, access rights, etc. in a robust and foolproof way.

Maybe one day...


On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:24 AM, maccrawj wrote:

Ok, so how would you control access to 5 PCs & numerous resources in a way where if one child is bad you can lock 'em out or simply limit his access to the games, media or key application folders across multiple machines? Never mind being in control of house-wide time/ location login restrictions and after hours forced logout.

If you don't have kids (or roomates) you can quickly dismiss the idea but I think soon it will be the norm in households as it is now in business.

Scott Sipe wrote:
Hey, meant to reply earlier sorry I didn't...
completely agree with below...
don't think there's really any need for you to have a home domain server (adds way more complexity than is needed and desired!) and without that, any other old edition of windows is just as good, imho.
Ubuntu Linux could certainly be an adventure if you feel like it :-)
On Jan 27, 2009, at 5:58 PM, maccrawj wrote:
IMHO if your not running at least domain+DHCP+DNS+NTP from 2K* server there is little point to running "server" editions of windows at all. There are roles for member servers just running dedicated apps such as SQL, Apache, Samba but then what's the point to paying top $ to use server stand-alone (vs DC) when it's cheaper to run them on tweaked XP Pro or linux? This of course in the context of a home setup, business is another ball game.

2K3 vs. 2k3R2 vs. 2k8 I could not tell you pro/con of the choice and I too feel 2K is just fine but also feel the itch to move up. At some point I still intend to upgrade to 2K3 just because I have it & should know my way around it.

DHSinclair wrote:
I truly apologize for this one. I have totally NOT kept up with this.
My server now runs Win2000 Server. It is at SP4. But, I suspect that this level of OS is soon to be no longer supported and/or able to be WinUpdate-able. SO,.......
{When is goes I will miss it....It runs so well.}
What might I be shopping for? I have seen mention of "Server 03" and "Server 08." Yes, I have already read through OUR threads about the "SBS" versions of same. Not thinking I need to do a Small Business Server just to come current; and/or support my LAN. Can I suppose that "Server03?" is at the XP level; and, that the "Server08?" business is about Vista-class?

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